Enhance your market insights with indication specific patient data

Permea Patient Voice at a glance

Patient perspectives driving market insights


Patient Understanding

  • Symptom Occurrence and Severity Deepen your understanding of the actual patients' experiences beyond the metrics tracked in prescriptions and electronic medical records (EMR).
  • Adherence and Persistence Use real-world evidence to compare patients' treatment plans with their actual behaviour for a more nuanced understanding of patients.

Targeted Stakeholder Outreach

  • Tailored Patient Communication Utilize app-derived insights to refine patient communication strategies, addressing specific areas of need and enhancing patient experience.
  • Enhanced KOL Engagements Leverage real-time data to engage with Key Opinion Leaders, ensuring discussions are data-informed and pertinent.
  • Focused HCP Development Employ patient-reported data to bolster Healthcare Professional (HCP) interactions, ensuring their expertise is augmented by current and direct patient experiences.

Real-World Evidence (RWE) Generation

  • RWE-Driven Value Story Development Integrate real-world data into your product narrative to craft compelling educational resources that clearly demonstrate treatment efficacy and patient satisfaction.
  • Amplify Scientific Credentials Fortify your scientific authority by disseminating evidence-based findings and patient-centered research methods in your publications.
  • Competitive Advantage through Patient-Centric Insight Utilize detailed patient-reported data to inform discussions with HCPs, underlining the patient-focused benefits and competitive strengths of your product.

Was unsere Partner über uns sagen


Build your own indication specific companion app with us.

Support specific patient cohorts and gain a deeper understanding of their specific needs with a custom indication specific companion app.


Made and hosted in Germany

Temedica's Lösungen werden in Deutschland entwickelt und gehostet. Wir sind in höchstem Maße GDPR-konform und haben ein umfangreiches technisches, ethisches und rechtskonformes System entwickelt, um große Datenmengen aus verschiedenen Quellen sicher und effizient zu aggregieren. 

Wir erheben patientengenerierte Daten verantwortungsbewusst und stellen die Interessen der Patienten in den Mittelpunkt unseres Handelns. Alle Daten werden anonymisiert und unter Einhaltung behördlicher Datenschutzstandards aggregiert.

Wir stehen am Beginn einer neuen Ära des Gesundheitswesens.