Harness the Power of Patient-Level Insights

Permea Commercial Compass at a glance

Mapping market dynamics with precision and depth


Market Penetration Strategy

  • Dynamic response modeling Adapt strategies quickly in response to insights about wins and losses in defined market segments, ensuring optimal market penetration and resource utilization.
  • Regional market analysis Utilize real-time data to understand how patients switch between treatments, identifying high-potential regions for targeted marketing strategies.

Brand Performance Optimization

  • Brand health tracking Monitor national and regional brand adoption trends, gauge market share, and assess patient persistence to refine brand strategies.
  • Marketing impact analysis Evaluate the effectiveness of go-to-market strategies and explore additional opportunities for engaging with healthcare professionals and activated pharmacies.

Sales Effectiveness Enhancement

  • Targeted sales approaches Equip sales teams with specific insights into healthcare provider preferences and prescribing patterns, enabling more personalized sales strategies.
  • Sales forecasting tools prepare to implement predictive analytics to forecast future sales trends and prepare teams with proactive sales strategies.

Advanced Market Forecasting

  • Trend prediction Leverage sophisticated algorithms to predict future market trends and patient behaviors, setting the stage for preemptive strategy formulation.
  • Strategic planning support Use predictive insights to support strategic planning and decision-making, allowing your brand to maintain a competitive edge.

Was unsere Partner über uns sagen


Build your own indication specific companion app with us.

Support specific patient cohorts and gain a deeper understanding of their specific needs with a custom indication specific companion app.


Made and hosted in Germany

Temedica's Lösungen werden in Deutschland entwickelt und gehostet. Wir sind in höchstem Maße GDPR-konform und haben ein umfangreiches technisches, ethisches und rechtskonformes System entwickelt, um große Datenmengen aus verschiedenen Quellen sicher und effizient zu aggregieren. 

Wir erheben patientengenerierte Daten verantwortungsbewusst und stellen die Interessen der Patienten in den Mittelpunkt unseres Handelns. Alle Daten werden anonymisiert und unter Einhaltung behördlicher Datenschutzstandards aggregiert.

Wir stehen am Beginn einer neuen Ära des Gesundheitswesens.