The Future of
Health Insights 2024


Let Data Craft Strategies

Munich | October 15th 2024

Connect with thought leaders on real-world data and AI in healthcare

The pace of digital transformation in healthcare is relentless. With health data growing by 40% annually, we are witnessing the most rapid evolution ever in the sector. It can be overwhelming, yet it holds immense potential. 


Come and discover how to transform vast amounts of information into actionable insights, engage with thought leaders and experts through interactive sessions, and experience firsthand how advanced data management and AI are revolutionizing Real-World Insights.

Dive into the most urgent
topics of modern healthcare

Explore the highlights from 'The Future of Health Insights 2023'


Join us at the Munich Google offices—a place where healthcare and technology meet

Temedica x Google Cloud are setting the stage for an in-depth exploration of technological innovations in healthcare, aimed at driving operational efficiency, enhancing commercial outcomes, and improving patient care. The Future of Health Insights 2024 will equip you with practical knowledge directly applicable to your daily work in the life sciences, scientific research, or data intelligence.

Uniting the
leading minds

Our Speakers

Our speakers are among the most respected names in the industry and exciting personalities. You'll have the opportunity to engage in discussions and masterclasses, learn from their experiences, and gain valuable insights into a multitude of topics around health-related data and insights.

An agenda full of insights,
inspiration and interaction

for the curious

09:00 - 10:00
🥨 Pretzels and Coffee ☕
10:00 - 10:45
Welcome Word & Topic of the Day
Gloria Seibert
CEO and Founder, Temedica
PD Dr. med Benjamin Friedrich
Chief Medical Officer & Co-Founder, Temedica
10:45 - 11:30
Debate Panel: Realists vs. Dreamers — Is AI & Real-World Evidence the Ultimate Solution?
Dr. Diane Seimetz
Entrepreneur, Temedica Board Member, Leading Drug Development & Regulatory Expert
Laura Heidrich
Manager Digital Natives, Google Cloud
PD Dr. med. Benjamin Friedrich
Chief Medical Officer and Co-Founder, Temedica
Gabriela Botea
Senior Software Engineer, Google Cloud
11:30 - 13:00
🪄 Magic Lunch 🪄
13:00 - 13:40
Masterclasses & Workshops

Choose one:

Masterclass: Digital is Team Sport
Jérôme Dziersan
Head of Business Strategy & Operations, GSK
Masterclass: Omnichannel Strategies
Kathleen Rieser
General Manager, good healthcare group
Workshop: Bringing Ecosystem Together: Bridge Knowledge Silos
Birgit Bauer
Patient Expert, Data Saves Lives
13:50 - 14:30
Masterclasses & Workshops

Choose one:

Masterclass: B2P(atient) Best Practices: How to Engage Your Target Group with the Perfect Digital Marketing Strategy
Maik Metzen
Pharma Marketing Expert & Managing Partner, AdStrive
Masterclass: Topic and speaker will be announced soon
Workshop: Identify Your Insights Readiness Score
Ludger Kempf
Pharma Consultant, Temedica
14:40 - 15:20
Keynote Speech: The Necessity of Data Precision for Nationwide State-of-the-Art Care
Dr. med. Markus Leyck Dieken
Former CEO of Gematik & Innovation Leader
Secret Guest
15:20 - 15:40
☕ Coffee Break and Networking 👥
15:50 - 16:30
Masterclasses & Workshops

Choose one:

Masterclass: The ABCs of Effective Publication Processes in Pharma
Natalie Joschko
Principal Medical Leader Neuroimmunology, Roche
PD Dr. med Benjamin Friedrich
Chief Medical Officer & Co-Founder, Temedica
Masterclass: Generative AI in Healthcare: Unlocking New Opportunities with Data
Christina Halemba
Cloud Technical Resident, Google Cloud
Workshop: The Strengths and Weaknesses of Diverse Health Data Sources
Marietherese Burghold
Principal Strategy, Temedica
16:40 - 17:20
Masterclasses & Speed Networking

Choose one:

Masterclass: What's next, Pharma? From Product to Solution Focus in Digital Healthcare
Anna-Maria Heidinger
Head of Digital Innovation Hub Europe, Daiichi Sankyo Europe
Masterclass: Topic and speaker will be announced soon
Speed Networking
17:30 - 18:15
Panel Discussion: Partnerships: The Power of Innovative Collaboration
Gloria Seibert
CEO & Founder, Temedica
Maira Trauzettel
Integrated Strategy Lead NeuroImmunologie, Roche
Johannes Munding
Director Patient Experience Design Breast Cancer & Neuroscience, Novartis
18:15 - 18:30
Thank You and Goodbye
Gloria Seibert
CEO and Founder, Temedica
PD Dr. med Benjamin Friedrich
Chief Medical Officer & Co-Founder, Temedica
From 18:30
Drinks and Networking

Get your ticket to
The Future of Health Insights 2024